A top-of-the-range socket with a 3x 1,3 mm² conductor cross section made of OF copper with silver alloy.
High-grade isolation materials, such as polyolefin and fluorine plastics and spacers with air air around the conductor ensure excellent technical data. The highly precise design of the cords used guarantees constant parameter values across their full length.
160064016 | SilentSocket 16 Cu, 6 Steckplätze | 1,5 m
160064022 | SilentSocket 16 Cu, 8 Steckplätze | 1,5 m
160064023 | SilentSocket 16 Cu, mit Filter, 6 Steckplätze | 1,5 m
160064024 | SilentSocket 16 Cu, mit Filter, 8 Steckplätze | 1,5 m
Fitted with the SERIES 16 AC plug.
STEREO 11/2006
"Although we do not classify power cords as generalizing, one must say that these open and lively sounding cables are among the best we have ever had here for testing. For the amplifier supply we recommend the large model, for sources it may likely also be the AC 16."
STEREO 5/2007 - Kabelset NF 16, AC 16 und LS 16
"The fact that it makes sense to look beyond the box when it comes to cables is clear with the Silent Wires 16 series. Size, radiance, expression and precision are audibly increased. The other test participants could not reach this level. And that, dear reader, escaped the taste categories."
STEREO 11/2009 - AC 16 und Power Socket 16
"Top solution! The AC 16 in conjunction with the PowerSocket 16 rewards with a particularly intense, highly-energetic and colorful rendition."
STEREO 6/2013 - AC 16 mk2 und Power Socket 16 mk2
"Driving dynamics and driving energy. So powerful and radiant was "Malvina" - but also the extremely spatial as well as alive caught "Credo", which ran as a comparative title, had not been heard like this until then."