The philosophy guiding the development of Silent WIRE products is to influence the sound as litle as possible. This principle is shared by the qualified engineer, Dieter Tielert, an eminent authority in the field of HighEnd sound. Mr Tielert, who financed his studies privately from his job as a musician, shows that he is able to judge cables not only from a technician's point of view. He gives the importance of electricity in the field of audio his undivided attention - a topic to which he again and again opens the listeners' eyes and ears in his regular trainings and demonstrations.
The team at Silent WIRE attach greatest attention to putting their work on a scientific basis. Research on conductance, materials and alloys was conducted by one of the worldwide most renowned professors for the study of materials, Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Bormann, Chair of "Applied Materials Physics" and president of the University of Bayreuth. Due to his tests we today attach the necessary importance not only to raw copper but also to contacts of a cable. But not only research makes Silent WIRE one of the most successful manufacturers of cables. Only the interplay of technical and musical knowledge puts us in a position to produce cables whose main distinguishable feature is their dynamics and bandwidth. Thus one is not amazed that even the technological University of Berlin has had its lecture halls equipped with Silent WIRE cables.